Kamis, 22 November 2018

Probit Digital Currency Exchange

author : reserter

En la construcción de la plataforma ProBit, buscamos distinguir la plataforma de los distintos intercambios de copia que han proliferado en el mercado. En nuestro imaginativo y profético conocimiento de ProBit, hemos tratado de construir una plataforma que sea el comercio de activos digitales más global, profesional e impermeable para los operadores.

ambiciones probit para ser definitivamente internacional con el intercambio de activos digitales en cada uno de los mercados financieros esenciales. ProBit.com será un cambio mundial de Moneda a Moneda (C2C) que será la mitad del próximo intercambio local de cambio de moneda a moneda de ProBit en numerosos países.

Probit construyó una compra de primera clase y el motor de venta para suministrar de forma rápida y robusta de compra y venta de experiencia. Con considerables pares de liquidez y comerciales, probit será el mercado más eficiente para los activos digitales. Los elementos construidos en el intercambio serán ayudar a los comerciantes a analizar y decidir los comercios de la derecha para hacer. Estas facetas consisten en un tablero personalizable y un servicio de atención al cliente en varios idiomas, y tendencias futuras como la compra y venta de márgenes y las plataformas ICO.

ProBit Exchange es un cambio de moneda extranjera digital preparado para crear olas en el mercado de la criptomoneda. ProBit busca diferenciarse de diferentes intercambios con la ayuda de ser el mercado más global, profesional y seguro para activos digitales.

Las características más importantes del comercio incluyen un motor de coincidencia de alto rendimiento con una capacidad de procesamiento de 1.5 millones de transacciones por segundo, la mejor protección a través del soporte de la llave de seguridad de hardware FIDO U2F, un tablero de mandos totalmente personalizable y considerables monedas y amp; comprar y vender pares (más de 150 monedas preparadas para ser listadas). Todos estos puntos especiales aseguran a los comerciantes una experiencia de compra y venta de clase mundial.


La seguridad es la mejor prioridad para la plataforma ProBit. Si bien las criptomonedas tienen una gran probabilidad para los comerciantes, la seguridad sigue siendo una dificultad clave que impide una gran aceptación de la criptomoneda como un activo de financiación. Aceptamos que es cierto que hemos construido una plataforma más segura en la que los operadores pueden sentir que se cierran herméticamente para realizar inversiones. 3 aspectos clave de la seguridad de ProBit son: ProBit almacena el 95% o más de pertenencias digitales en billetera sin sangre. El almacenamiento fuera de línea (a.k.a. almacenamiento sin sangre) ofrece un enfoque esencial contra el robo o la pérdida. Gestión de toda la sesión: las unidades de visualización de video ProBit para inactividad e inician las sesiones de tiempo de espera cuando sea necesario. Los datos se mantienen con el algoritmo de cifrado más fuerte. privacidad de la información y carteras clave pública no se cifran unas cuantas veces. Probit ayuda a las llaves de protección de hardware FIDO U2F. 2FA basado en software como Google Authenticator también es compatible. Si el consumidor establece una llave de hardware, es imposible que un hacker entrar a cambio excepto la tecla.
Información de token

PROBIT trade ha lanzado su propio token de utilidad. El token está diseñado para otorgar recompensas y negociar a los titulares y usuarios del token PROB. El token se utilizará para los gastos de intercambio e intercambio en la plataforma, además, se utilizará para los derechos de votación para el listado de nuevas tareas en el intercambio.

La plataforma PROBIT ha traído recompensas para los titulares, que varía principalmente en función de la cantidad de token PROB que se mantiene con la ayuda de los usuarios en el intercambio.

Suministro total de fichas = 200,000,000 PROB
Símbolo simbólico = PROB
Tipo de ficha = Erc20

Distribución de fichas

10% (20,000,000 PROB) Asignado a ventas privadas, preventa y amp; IEO
50% (100,000,000 PROB) Asignado al comercio minero
20% (40,000,000 PROB) asignado a reservas estratégicas
20% (40,000,000 PROB) asignado al equipo

¿Por qué debo comprar el ProBit Token?

Los fondos recaudados en el curso de las ventas de ProBit Token se utilizarán para construir la plataforma de intercambio de ProBit. PROB servirá como la columna vertebral para la construcción del Ecosistema ProBit que consiste en un intercambio C2C, intercambios fiat y una plataforma ICO.

ProBit Exchange conservará una coincidencia previa a la venta para el token de ProBit (PROB) desde el 5 de noviembre hasta el 28 de noviembre de 2018. Durante el período de preventa, los participantes obtendrán un bono del 10% por cada token de ProBit (PROB) ellos compran Por favor, tenga en cuenta que la cantidad mínima de compra es de cien dólares.
and buy token PROBIT bellow link : click here

Selasa, 20 November 2018


this time I will explain or refer all of you to some token sales places which are the results of a work when we get a reward from a bounty project / work results from the bitcointalk project. well at this time if you can pay / reward you can see your tokens or you will sell your tokens here
These below are some forms or links to places to sell tokens that you can see again.

exchange HUOBI : https://www.huobi.co/en-us/topic/invited/?invite_code=nww34
exchange KUCOIN : https://www.kucoin.com/#/?r=Mg1xcR

Senin, 12 November 2018

FARM TOKEN - stärkt Menschen mit Blockchain-Technologie.

FARM TOKEN - stärkt Menschen mit Blockchain-Technologie.

Hallo, treffen Sie mich heute wieder. Ich werde ein wenig über Farm Token erklären. https://thefarmtoken.com/ ist ein modellierter Token, der sich auf das Wachstum und den Ausbau des Blockchain-Netzwerks durch Partnerschaften mit innovativen Lebensmittelunternehmen konzentriert, die den Verbrauchern helfen, indem sie ihnen bei der Messung helfen und kennzeichnen ihre Vermögenswerte.

Die FARM Group glaubt, dass wir als Teil dieser Entscheidung eine Lösung für alle Probleme im Zusammenhang mit Lebensmitteln haben. Wir versuchen jedes Jahr, Partner mit mehreren innovativen Lebensmittelkampagnen zu identifizieren und ihnen beim Wachstum zu helfen. Wir richten unser gesamtes Potenzial auf die Erschließung neuer Märkte, um einen höheren Verbrauchswert zu erreichen. Sie enthalten wiederum eine Blockkette in ihrem System und führen zu dringend benötigter Transparenz in der Lebensmittelversorgungskette, indem sie den Verbrauchern Produkte anbieten, die eine gesunde, aktive und nachhaltige Lebensweise unterstützen. Darüber hinaus stellen unsere Partnerfirmen den Besitzern Gutscheine zur Verfügung und unterstützen die Community-Block-Kette, indem sie ihre Vermögenswerte markieren und neue Orte eröffnen.

Sie müssen über FARM TOKEN Bescheid wissen.

FARM-Token sind Token, die speziell durch die Entwicklung und Erweiterung des Blockchain-Netzwerks geformt werden, das durch Fokussierung verwaltet wird. Token Farm wird die Vermögenswerte ihres Partners zur Messung der Kundenzufriedenheit autorisieren. Der Partner, der als Verfallsdatum von FARM angesehen wurde, ist ein Lebensmittelunternehmen, das den Verbrauchern ein innovatives Qualitätsangebot bietet.

Eine der besten Möglichkeiten ist, wenn ein erfolgreiches Partnerunternehmen mit Tokens automatisiert wird. Die Farm wächst langsam, wenn sie dem Erfolg der Partner des Unternehmens folgt. Die Nachfrage nach dem Kauf von Token Farm wird sich stark auf die Qualität des Wertes auswirken, und somit die Expansion von Unternehmern bei der Veränderung ihrer Gemeinden.

FARM-Token (Gold- und Silber-Token) werden von der FARM-Gruppe ausgegeben. Der Zweck der FARM Token Foundation ist es, innovative Lebensmittelunternehmen zu finden und mit ihnen zusammenzuarbeiten, die heute zunehmend informierten und involvierten Verbrauchern dienen. Wenn unsere Partnerunternehmen Erfolg haben, wird das FARM-Ökosystem wachsen, um eine Nachfrage nach Wertmarken und anschließenden Wertsteigerungen zu schaffen, während es unsere Geschäftspartner stärkt und ihre Gemeinschaften verändert.

Es gibt zwei Arten von erc-20-Marken, darunter FARMS (Silber) Farmg (Gold).

Silbermarken werden ausgegeben, wenn die absolute Agenda für den Erhalt von Crowdsale-Marken und Goldmarken vor dem Verkauf ausgegeben wird.

Es gibt verschiedene Personen, die ausgewählt wurden, um an Vorverkäufen und Verkäufen teilzunehmen, die Sie im Whitepaper finden können.

Gemeinschaft in FARM TOKEN.
Als Gemeinschaft, die Disziplin bei der Bewältigung der Lücke von FARM einhält. Daher ist das Community-Forum als integrale Stufe des FARM-Token-Ökosystems gedacht.

In diesem Forum wurde es als exklusives Forum gegründet, das speziell für Inhaber von FARM-Token geöffnet wurde. So können nicht alle Inhaber beitreten, aber die Inhaber, die bestimmte Kriterien erfüllen, können der FRAM TOKEN-Community beitreten

Etwas, das wirtschaftliche Expansion durch Investitionen in Lebensmittelunternehmer auslöst.
eine Farm-Gruppe, die Vertrauen in diese Unternehmer hat, als Grundlage für den absoluten Veränderer, der in einigen Gesellschaften und Volkswirtschaften positive und transformative Eigenschaften hat.

Primärverkäufe (ICO):

Die Anzahl der Token wird verkauft: 75 Millionen Token
Erhalten Sie Rabatte: 5% (für die ersten 24 Stunden)
Ico Verkaufsstarttermin: 1. Februar 2019
Verkaufszeit: 28 Tage
Für die Teilnahme ist ein Mindestbetrag von 100 Token erforderlich
Maximale Anzahl der Einkäufe pro Person: 250.000 Token
Soft Cap: 20.000.000,00 $


Token-Name: FARMG
Die Gesamtzahl der Token: 1.500.000 Token
Die Anzahl der Token, die der Öffentlichkeit zur Verfügung stehen: 500.000 Token
Tokenpreis: 0,005 ETH (200 Token = 1 ETH)
Softcover - USD 240.000
Bezahlung: ETH
Vorverkaufsdatum: 15. November 2018
Dauer des Vorverkaufs: 14 Tage

Mindestvoraussetzung für die Teilnahme am Vorverkauf: 600 Token oder 3 ETH
Maximale Anzahl von Jetons pro Person: 20.000 Jetons

profile bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1016210
author : reserter

Sabtu, 10 November 2018



NODVIX機能の使い方について説明する前に、NODVIXが興味深いビデオコンテンツを表示するように設計された24時間P2Pブロードキャストプラットフォームであり、特にあなたのような無制限の関心事に関連することを読んだので、まずこのNODVIXプロジェクトについて少し説明します。 NODVIXは、今日の1兆7,000億ドルの放送市場で見られる制限を軽減するために設計された、すべてにオープンなリアルタイムのビデオコンテンツプラットフォームです。

NODVIXは、コンテンツクリエイター、広告主、視聴者のためにデジタル放送の世界を大きく変える分散型ブロックチェーンを活用したソリューションを提供しています。 KYCの欠如、政府の検閲、新しいコンテンツ制作者の参入の容易さは、真の言論の自由のためのユニークな環境を作り出します。広告主は、従来のネットワークでは平均30秒間に394,000ドルの課金が発生するため、市場に必要なもののわずかな部分を払いながら、ビジネスに関連するコンテンツをスポンサーとして恩恵を受けることができます。

P2P(Peer-to-Peer Internet Network)技術に基づいて参加者を募集しています。このため、


1. NODVIXプラットフォームにコンテンツを作成またはアップロードします。あなたが作ったコンテンツは、ミュージックビデオ、ニュース、映画、またはどんなイメージ周波数でもあります!








Minggu, 04 November 2018


EOS ~ EXCHANGE author : reserter 

Helo I will discuss about Exchange EOSex from China, this Exchange just launched a few month ago and I am sure this exchange will be successful in the future and become the most popular exchange, let's see here.

About EOSex

As an early and enthusiastic supporter of the EOS platform, the EOSex project team registered the domain name, www.EOSex.com, way back in 2017 in anticipation of the coming explosive growth in the EOS ecosystem. Now, with EOS already off and running, the EOSex has also successfully gone live! The EOSex team members include solid professionals from across the fields of blockchain, finance, IT, and law, and are backed by well-respected heavyweight blockchain investors (such as Broad Harvest Capital) who have all come together to create a global exchange that is secure, self-governing, high-performance, and transparent. The exchange uses a mining system that has been specially designed to prevent the types of massive collapses that have already been seen on other exchanges. Plus, EOSex is truly community-based--a true DAC, where 100% of exchange profits are distributed back to all EXP (EOS Exchange Proof) token holders, and where all EXP token holders have a say in exchange policies, in voting for new listings, and participating in other exchange programs and promotions. EOSex is designed from the ground up to be a fair, open, and transparent exchange. In addition to the trading of cryptocurrencies, EOSex will also offer trading in CFDs, as well as on-chain token trading—thereby satisfying the needs of all types of investors.

Project Highlights:

Listing Process for EOS-Platform Tokens:
We intend to list high-quality EOS-platform tokens with new tokens listed in cycles of 15 days. The top-5 tokens that have the highest proportion of tokens deposited with EOSex relative to the total number of tokens in circulation, will receive automatic listing on EOSex.

Listing Process for other Tokens:
New listings will be chosen from a coting process that is different from other exchanges. EXP token holders will be given voting rights based on the number of tokens held and the number of days held, and the EXP tokens will not be destroyed during the voting process. For each voting period, the top-3 projects will automatically qualify for listing.
Voting Power = Number of EXP Tokens held x Number of Days Held

Support for Trading of Financial Products:
Naturally, EOSex supports spot trading in cryptocurrencies. However, once the platform achieves a certain level of volume, stability,  and security, we will begin introducing new financial products for trading in underlying based on equities, forex, commodities, etc. Thus, we will become a global exchange for a full range of trading products. Naturally, this will generate ever-larger revenues for EOSex, which, as always, is 100% distributed back to EOSex token holders (EXP).

Mining Rules:
Total number of tokens available for mining is 3 billion. Once all such tokens have been distributed, the mining program will end. “Mining” describes the process whereby 100% of trading fees are rebated back to the user in the form of EXP tokens. The value of EXP to be distributed each day will be based on the price at 6:00pm Hong Kong Time, and will then be immediately distributed.


Calculation of Profit Distribution for EXP token holders:
Total income for the day x EXP tokens relative to the total number in circulation

Daily Profit-shareing Cutoff Time:
Each day, at 8:00pm Hong Kong Time, the total value of all commissions received for the previous 24 hours will be calculated and then corresponding value of EXP tokens will distributed to all EXP token holders. Any EXP token holder who has not logged in within the last 24 hours, automatically forfeits their distribution for that day.

Buy-back Process:
Profit Distributions to the EXP Tokens held by the EOSex team are used to buy back EXP tokens from the market after which those EXP tokens are permanently taken out of circulation by being sent to a dead address. Such buybacks will cease once the total circulation of EXP tokens shrinks to 5 billion.  EOSex maintain a separate web page where up-to-date figures will be published for total number of EXP tokens in circulation, mining volumes, number of tokens bought back, number of tokens destroyed.

Token Destruction:
Commissions received from trades among EXP group trading pairs will be automatically be taken out of circulation by being sent to a dead address. In future, the EXP community make decisions on commission rates for EXP group trading pairs.

EOSex is now in Partnership with Starteos & EOSBet

EOSex launched a reward campaign in return for 40 million EXP.

Bounty Pool Allocations

Signature 20%
Content Creation 10%
Translation 10%
Twitter: 40%
Country Marketing Officer: 15%
Special Advice 5%

information click bellow: 

author article : reserter
profile bct : 

Jumat, 02 November 2018

AiBB Trading Assistant Blockchain Application Technology

AiBB Trading Assistant Blockchain Application Technology

we must understand what AIBB is
And in my article this time I will explain what AIBB is and also its functions, which I know AiBB provides very many facilities for growth in the cryptocurrency market for data unity including trade, news, security, and public that can be used for education. AIB wants every individual who participates in the cryptocurrency space to use the right tools. How to understand investment in a reliable decentralized security system platform.

here AiBB is set up as the first help application that Ai will develop into a fully decentralized platform that provides functions and does not trust third-party applications at all. You can trade all highly liquid and safe cryptocurrency exchanges, to prevent destabilization that can occur when a single exchange is forced to absorb high-volume transactions.

How does AiBB work???

This program was built using NLU, NLP and the ML ownership algorithm that analyzed the blockchain in finding information about the best investment.

This program has many functions. This will be used to get instant insight into your trading portfolio and tips about the market, as well as different statistics. Chat with bots uses your voice to free time that will be lost if you have to write and keep your assets safe with a warning system of those who will contact you if any suspicious actions are found in your account.

You can also invest directly from your mobile using the program, have access to a personal wallet and receive instructions and reviews about the latest ICO.

The company plans to make their program ready for use in 2018 and to develop it further the following year.
explanation of the AIBB application
AIBB is a prediction or analysis with your assistant to help you understand the crypto market. In this all-in-one application that allows you to develop a portfolio and you can become a successful trader, good luck.
 1. Ai Assistant You can ask AiBB to do tasks, trade or get information related to crypto. Your assistant will develop who can be followed up. Please try the prototype to the bottom right!
2. Portfolio & Trade You can make transactions with one simple login on each exchange and you can browse your portfolio.
3. Authentication of Identity You will be asked for the KYC verification process so that you can immediately join all exchange partners provided for you to trade.
4. Ai Security
5. Packaged Features A treasure chest tool for better trading. Voting platform that gives you votes in the ecosystem.


For more information below :

Website: https://aibb.io/

author : reserter
profile : 

iAM - Instant Medical Access - Agreement Points

Hello friend this time met me again today and now I will explain a little about [ Instant Medical Access - Agreement Points] IAM

iAM’s personal care record platform solves global problems in the healthcare industry using Blockchain technology.

iAM’s platform is a unique solution for both consumers and healthcare professionals. All parties in health and social care can benefit from iAM solutions, including patients, doctors, nurses, care providers, funders, insurers, pharmaceutical companies, and researchers. Features developed specially for the iAM platform enable improved clinical outcomes while reducing global medical costs. iAM automates the clinical processes through evidence-based personal care pathways and minimizes manual data entry.

Guardtime, in partnership with Instant Access Medical and Healthcare Gateway announced on Wednesday the launch of the world’s first comprehensive blockchain-supported Personal Care Record Platform, MyPCR. The system will use Healthcare Gateway’s Medical Interoperability Gateway and will provide instant access to primary care information for up to 30 million UK NHS patients. The system will focus heavily on patient adherence to a personalized treatment plan, and continuous monitoring and verification — critical to positive health outcomes.

iAM's unified platform solves healthcare's biggest issues including insurance fraud, medication adherence, prescription abuse and also the problem of medical data portability. With enterprise partners Guardtime, Healthcare Gateway, and DXS our solution will be accessible to more than 70% of the UK population.

We secure records using industrial-scale Keyless Signature Infrastructure. This provides patients with an immutable GDPR and HIPAA compliant personal care record. Users intelligently share their health record data via Guardtime’s Health Information Exchange (HSX). The iAM platform utilizes smart contracts to govern transactions and digital payments in our healthcare economy.

The Point of Consensus

Despite the apparent conflict that exists between parties within the Healthcare Industry; iAM’s platform delivers a win-win outcome, we call this the “The Point of Consensus.”

-Patients: Achieve better healthcare outcomes with increased control, portability and personalized care pathways, alerts & reminders, save time & earn money through optional sharing of anonymized health data.

-Insurers: Access to digital patient data to reduce the cost of care delivery; reduced fraud & settlement claims costs.
-Doctors & Care providers: Can provide better care in collaboration with the iAM app, records are digitised reducing manual errors, can treat patient’s record data as primary evidence, reduce time wasted. Patient data is securely shared using the blockchain.

-Researchers: Competitively priced and easy access to comprehensive, complete and trusted de-identified patient data.

-Partners: Improved access to health marketplace and permission access to patient health data.

The solution

An industry solution to multi-billion dollar problems!

Instant Access Medical is changing everything by creating a single, lifelong healthcare record under your control. Easy, portable management of health data in a comprehensive, up-to-date record and the ability to SMART share with healthcare professionals to get the best possible outcomes.

Trusted, digital and portable health records that streamline insurance claim settlements and minimize manual errors

Record security by Guardtime KSI Industrial Scale Blockchain & record sharing governed by smart contracts

Reduce waste and speed up transactions by the creation of a tokenized healthcare economy

Token Economy

iAM puts users in control of their own health data. Users manage their own personal health records and share these with doctors, hospitals, care providers and other healthcare participants. iAM rewards individuals who elect to share their anonymized health data with iAM tokens.

Members pay to securely store their record on our blockchain, share with health care professionals, and to write to their records using IoT devices.

Members settle payments for health services with iAM tokens. These transactions create iAM’s tokenized healthcare economy.

Token Details

  • Symbol: iAM
  • Price: $0.40
  • Token Supply: 500,000,000
  • Token Type: ERC20 Utility Token

Token Distribution

  • 50% Sales to Purchasers in Token Sale
  • 38% iAM Reserve
  • 8% Team & Founders
  • 2% Community Engagement
  • 2% Bounty Campaign

 Information click Link  :

username name; reserter
profile BTT : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1016210
eth wallet : 0x023B8A678a7798d075932f4809D2FFA1c9B34000

AssetSplit -The Best Platform for all Crypto Users

AssetSplit -The Best Platform for all Crypto Users Hello meet again in my post today, the first, that is, I will introduce you to what ...