Sabtu, 31 Maret 2018

news bounty BETEX kontrak cryptocurrency

by. reserter

Betex - masa depan kontrak cryptocurrency cerdas


memperkenalkan proyek baru dari kami yaitu betex

Betex adalah satu-satunya platform, di mana sebanyak 95% dari dana didistribusikan di antara pedagang, yang bekerja.

Selain itu, Betex membentuk kolam likuiditas besar untuk setiap aset dasar untuk memaksimalkan manfaat pengguna. Didukung oleh kontrak cerdas Ethereum, Betex membawa transparansi yang tak terbantahkan, perilaku yang adil dan hasil yang dapat diaudit ke perdagangan Opsi Biner.
BETEX merancang model bisnis yang sangat baru untuk mengubah pola pikir pengguna dari mengkhawatirkan integritas penyedia platform untuk berfokus pada kapasitasnya sendiri untuk menghasilkan keuntungan.

Setiap contoh platform dikelola oleh broker yang tepat. Platform Betex akan memiliki broker sendiri yang akan menjalankan situs web 
juga akan ada broker pihak ketiga yang dilibatkan melalui sistem White Label. Syarat dan ketentuan akan sama untuk semuanya. Saluran berikut akan digunakan untuk menarik pengguna ke platform broker mereka sendiri.
  • Chatbots Telegram
  • Iklan spanduk
  • Google
  • Beriklan di forum khusus Facebook
  • twitter
Program rujukan Pialang pihak ketiga akan memiliki akses ke seluruh rangkaian alat untuk keterlibatan pengguna. Setiap pengguna baru pialang kami adalah pengguna baru platform ini, juga, karena meningkatkan pendapatan komisi dari kedua platform.

Pada akhirnya, kami mengharapkan sebagian besar pengguna untuk terlibat melalui ketiga pihak broker ini. Manajemen mereka akan memungkinkan peluncuran sejumlah besar contoh platform yang akan menawarkan pasangan dan interval perdagangan yang sama, serta bekerja dengan satu set likuiditas umum.

Tentang Betex ICO

Mulai dari ICO: 01.03.18 pada 12:00 GMT
Final ICO: 31.03.18 atau 3.000.000 token BETEX terjual habis
Harga token ICO BETEX: $ 3,00
Jumlah token maksimum untuk dijual: 3.000.000 dari 10.000.000 (30%)
harga ICO tinggi: $ 9.000.000
Jumlah minimum pembelian: 0,5 ETH atau 0,05 BTC
Pada kuartal pertama 2018, broker akan ditawarkan solusi siap pakai yang memungkinkan terlibat dengan platform oleh prinsip White Label yang dikenal. Dengan kata lain, adalah mungkin untuk segera menerapkan semua mekanisme platform dan sistem kami dengan domain dan basis pengguna dari broker itu sendiri. Selain itu, Betex Lab Limited, sebagai pengembang platform, akan memberikan konsultasi dan dukungan teknis.


info lebih lengkapnya ikuti link di bawah ini !!!
Website ][ Whitepaper ][ Facebook ][ Twitter ][ Telegram ][ Bounty ][ ANN ]

my bitcointalk : reserter

Selasa, 27 Maret 2018

ico matchroom gaming with blockchain

Matchroom Announces Change in ICO Public 


Hello friends! Today I will tell you about a new interesting and very promising project - Matchroom, and it is connected with the gaming industry.
Matchroom is a platform based on blockbuster technologies for gamers, created to improve interaction between all participants of the process. For gamers there is an extended functionality, including news, original content and communication with each other. Simple ways to monetize content, additional market opportunities! All this is Matchroom!

Blockhein allows you to do what was previously unthinkable:

support for independent developers,
development of the industry,
absence of barriers, intermediaries,
security, reliability, transparency of all actions.
For those who believe that the game industry is not a serious industry, I will give some statistics. To date, according to the Newzoo report, there are more than 2 billion active players in the world. These people, like many others, make bets on tournaments or participate in them directly, and also use other paid services in this area! Computer games are not only exciting activities, in fact a lot of money! And we can make money with Matchroom!

Especially attracting attention is the Asia-Pacific Region, where, as of 2017, gaming revenue amounted to about 58 billion US dollars (49.8% of global profits). Therefore Matchroom will concentrate its forces here.

Standard: ERC-20
Total planned to produce: 1 000 000 000 MR
Tokens for sale: 500 000 000 MR
Period of ICO: March 15, 2018 - May 15, 2018
Price: 1 ETH = 42 500 MR
Hard cap: 10,000,000 USD (10,000 ETH)
Soft cap 1 500 000 USD (1 765 ETH)
Minimum investment threshold: 0.1 ETH
Join the project, create together with Matchroom your successful future!

as well as on information resources:
WEBSITE: click here
FACEBOOK: click here
TWITTER: click here
TELEGRAM: click here
MEDIUM: click here

username bitcointalk : reserter
my profile btt :;u=1016210

Minggu, 25 Maret 2018

bounty news ico L-Pesa Kripton - Layanan Pinjaman

L-Pesa Kripton - Layanan Pinjaman Berbasis Smart Blocker.

penulis " reserter "
⇒Mengembangkan bisnis saat ini akan sangat mudah jika memanfaatkan teknologi internet yang makain canggih. Bisnis akan berkembang dengan pesat jika kita tahu bagaimana cara internet bekerja.
pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan membahas mengenai project yang akan berdampak pada perkembangan ekonomi, project tersebut adalah L-Pesa ( krypton ).
Unttuk mengetahui lebih jelas mengenai Project L-Pesa anda bisa menyimak ulasan di bawah ini:

➤Tentang L-Pesa
L-Pesa menciptakan pinjaman kontrak berbasis smart blocker, yg memungkinkan orang di seluruh internet membuatkan urusan ekonomi mereka serta menjadi pengusaha yg sukses. Para visioner yg tangguh bisa mengambil pinjaman di Ether alias Bitcoin serta kemudian berpartisipasi dalam pasar curian L-Pesa yg memfasilitasi pinjaman peer-to-peer: layanan pinjaman kripto pertama di Afrika.
L-Pesa menjadi salah satu startup fintech yang akan memanfaatkan kebutuhan layanan ekonomi berkembang dengan pesat.  Selama 24 bulan terakhir perusahaan telah memvalidasi model operasinya dan telah mengembangkan teknologi yanga canggih yang mampu mendanai akusisi pinjaman dan pengguna.  Untuk presentase kerugian pada pinjaman yang berjalan sebanyak 10% dan untuk pengembalian pinjaman sebanyak 25%.

Sejak di luncurkan pada bulan maret2016 L-pesa sudah menyetujui 38.000 lebih pinjaman.sekitar 170.000 member telah mendaftar yang di dasarkan pada kampanye pemasaran social dengan biaya anggaran minimum.  L-Pesa kini sudah siap dalam melakukan kampanye pemasaran melalui Media social dan pesan pribadi SMS, karena strategi pemasaran sudah di pikirkan dan di sempurnakan selama kurun waktu 24 bulan.  Perolehan biaya dari pelanggan yang di proyeksikan secara konservatif mampu mencapai $100 USD.

⟹Berbagai macam teknologi L-Pesan di didirkan di atas Amazon Web Service dan platform cloud komputasi On-demand yang telah di gunakan oleh merek ternama seperti Pinterest, Spotify, Airbnb, dan Netflix. Aplikasi pihak ketiga kini sudah terintegrasi dengan L-Pesa untuk melakukan beberapa tugas seperti Verifikasi pengguna, SMS dan pemasaran. Untuk melakukan transfer dana kini sudah di tangani dengan melakukan integrasi ke penyedia layanan transfer uang bergerak seperti Airtel Money, MTN, M-Pesa dan Tigo Pesa.

Selama satu decade ini L-Pesa memiliki 4 gagasan yang bagus dan pada saat bisnis di luncurkan 4 gagasan tersebut akan membuat pasar makin kuat dan memungkinkan persekalaan.
4 gagasan tersebut adalah:
  • 1.       Idenstitas Biometrik
  • 2.       Teknologi Mobile
  • 3.       Data Kredit Alternatif
  • 4.       Data besar berupa kecerdasan buatan & Blockchain
➤Tujuan Di Dirikan L-Pesa
Tujuan di dirikan project L-Pesa untuk memperbaiki dan mmembenah kehidupan ekonomi masyarakat dengan layanan kredit yang efisien serta layanan keuangan yang terkait di dalamnya. Project L-Pesa menawarkan solusi yang baik untuk layanan keuangan Mikro. Pada tahun 2016 L-Pesa mengembangkan pelayanan keuangan mikro di Tanzania dan kini telah bekembang dan sukses. L-Pesa bukan hanya mementingkan soal keuntungan, tetapi bagaimana cara memperbaiki kehidupan masyarakat dan membuat dunia menjadi tempat tinggal yang baik untuk semua orang.

➤Tentang Token L-Pesa Kripton ( LPK )
  • Nama Token: LPK
  • Supplay Token: 2.600.000.000 LPK
  • Pembelian Token : Bitcoin dan Ethereum
  • Harga Token: --
  • Platform: ERC20
➤Jadwal  Penjualan Token
-        Tanggal 1 Desember 2017 merupakan Penjualan Airdrop & Early Bird Community dan sudah terjual sebanyak 436.329.346 LPK token.

  • Tanggal 18 Maret 2018 Pre-sale akan di mulai jam 15:00 GMT waktu setempat.
  • Tanggal 10 April 2018 Publik sale akan di mulai jam 15:00 GMT waktu setempat.
  • Tanggal 10 Mei 2018 Publik sale berakhir.
➤Alokasi Token
Supplay token LPK sebanyak 2.600.000.000 LPK dengan Hard-Cap $52M USD. 
  • 1% di alokasikan untuk Program Bounty dan Referral
  • 10 di alokasikan untuk Penasehat
  • 16% di alikasikan untuk pengembangan bisnis
  • 15% di alokasikan untuk manajemen dan tim
  • 58% di alokasikan untuk penjualan token

TIM L-Pesa Kripton

Executive Team




➤informasi lebih lanjut ikuti link di bawah ini:⏬

Game Loot Network Bounty Program
Game Loot Network (GLN) bounty campaign will be explained in details below. The total allocation for the bounty is 1% of the total token supply sold. This means that if all 425,000,000 tokens are sold 4,250,000 will be distributed amongst bounty participants. With the initial price of the Loot tokens set to 0.35 USD, it means that the value of the bounty prize pool could be stunning 1,500,000 USD!

The Stake System
Bounty participants will be split into bounty pools based on their method of contribution with each pool having its own distribution Loot tokens. The fairest way to share the tokens in the bounty is by using the “stakes” system.

You will be awarded "stakes" for each task you successfully complete in each pool. At the end of the token sale, the entire value of the pool will be distributed to the stakeholders based on the number of stakes they hold.

General Rules
The campaign will end when ICO finishes or when we sell all tokens. This means that the Bounty will end when the ICO ends, or before if all tokens are sold. 

The bounty budget is divided into the following categories:

Translation and Moderation- 10%
Signatures - 10%
Reddit - 10%
Twitter - 10%
Facebook - 10%
Blogs/Articles/Reviews - 15%
Videos - 10%
Telegram - 5%
Instagram - 5%
Medium - 5%
Influencers - 5%
Bonus - 5%

Dates per week
Any submission of the shares/posts on this bounty thread before and beyond inclusive dates of each week will not be counted.

First two months:
Week 1 - March 19, 2018 - March 25, 2018
Week 2 - March 26, 2018 - April 1, 2018
Week 3 - April 2, 2018 - April 8, 2018
Week 4 - April 9, 2018 - April 15, 2018
Week 5 - April 16, 2018 - April 22, 2018
Week 6 - April 23, 2018 - April 29, 2018

Once a week our bounty-manager will be checking and renewing your status in the spreadsheet. Weeks will start on Monday (00:00 GMT) and end on Sundays (23:59 GMT). The spreadsheets will be updated each Wednesday for the previous week.

You can join the Bounty Campaign at any time, but you can’t get stakes for the weeks that you have missed. Naturally, the sooner you do it, the more stakes you will get.

The final spreadsheet stating all the stakes earned by each participant will be available within ten days after the end date of ICO.

Each participant will be personally notified by email when the tokens are sent.

The following rules are mandatory for all participants of the bounty:

1. Join our Telegram channel:
2. Like our Facebook page:
3. Follow us on Twitter:

Complaints and other bounty-related questions
If you have any questions, please contact @RatkoStambolija on Telegram. You can also send a direct message on BitcoinTalk to Ratko1922 or send us an email to

Help us reach the entire world by translating our materials into your native language!

Editable whitepaper:
Editable website text:
Video subtitles:

  • Website translation: 500 stakes
  • Whitepaper translation: 1000 stakes
  • Video subtitle translation: 300 stakes
  • ANN thread and Bounty thread translation: 150 stakes each
  • Moderation: 5 stakes for each post (only OP)

To reserve a language please post your interest with some of your previous translation work or contact the bounty manager. 

Bounty manager contact:
Telegram - @ratkostambolija
BitcoinTalk - Ratko1922
Email -
Join our signature campaign and help us spread the word about our project among the community!

We are looking for regularly active members.
Negative trust members are not allowed to join this campaign.
Regular posts in the alternate cryptocurrencies section are desired.
Users that spam will be banned from the campaign and payment will be denied.
We don't allow multiple signatures for the same user.
Please change your avatar to the VooGlue supplied avatar according to your rank (below).Reddit
The Reddit bounty program will consist out of two parts. One will be related to the support of our subreddit and other one to direct promotion on the platform.

1. Subreddit support
Support us on Reddit and earn stakes! 

Apply to join the campaign here:

1. Subscribe to our subreddit -
2. Upvote all our posts 
3. Post comments 
4. Share the URL to your Reddit post in the Bounty Topic in order to get the stakes.

1. Subscribing to our subreddit 5 stakes
2. Upvoting our posts (whole campaign) 100 stakes
3. Comments 10 stakes each (max 1000 stakes per participant)

View the list of participants and rewards here:

2. Reddit Sharing
Help us spread the word about GLN on Reddit. 

Apply to join the campaign here:

10 upvotes on your post: 10 stakes
20 upvotes on your post: 20 stakes
50 upvotes on your post: 50 stakes
100 upvotes on your post: 100 stakes
300 upvotes on your post: 300 stakes

1. For a post to be counted, it needs to be posted in one of the following subreddits, or cryptocurrency related subreddits: r/bitcoin, r/ethereum, r/ethtrader, r/icocrypto, r/ico, r/icoanalysis, r/cryptocurrency.
2. Posts and Comments with negative Karma will not be accepted. Any kind of spam will not be rewarded either.
3. Bonus stakes will be awarded when comments or posts have at least 10 upvotes.
4. External posts should link to
5. Share the URL to the Reddit post you made in the Bounty Topic in order to get the stakes.

View the list of participants and rewards here:

Apply to join the campaign here:

Follow our official Twitter Account
Your twitter account must have at least 100 real followers.
Only one twitter account per person is allowed.
You need to have at least 80% real followers (we will use for checking)
You have to retweet at least 4 tweets per week from our Official twitter account 
You have to post at least 1 tweets per week about GLN with the hashtag #GLNTokenSALE. 
Tweets need to be posted in the Bounty topic every week. 
Apply to join the campaign here:

Follow and Like the official GLN facebook page:
Only one Facebook account per person is allowed.
You have to like and repost at least 4 posts per week from our official Facebook page 
All posts need to be set to PUBLIC
You have to make at least 2 posts per week about GLN, with the hashtag #GLNstakesale.  Only 1 post per day allowed.
Posts must be posted in the Bounty topic every week
Support our project by writing an article, blog or a review about us. 

Submit the posts here:

The article/review/blog post must have at least 500 words.
Your text must be original. Copying and stealing other people’s content brings to disqualification.
The audience for the posted article must be crypto related or match a use for GLN or promote the token sale to a suitable audience.
The website must have a genuine audience. 
To identify you as the owner of the work, please also include a link to your Bitcointalk profile in the article.Medium, Steemit and other free Blogs are allowed. but one person can only write 1 Article in each of these.
5 articles allowed in premium blogs and websites with .com, .net. .org etc domains.
Article/review/blog post must contain at least 1 link to the ICO GLN website: and one link to GLN Whitepaper:
Copy-paste quality - 20 stakes
Normal quality - 80 stakes
Medium quality - 160 stakes
Good quality - 300 stakes
Superb quality - 600 to 1000 stakes

All articles, reviews, blog posts should also contain certain keywords or tags, like:  GLN, Ethereum, Token Sale, cryptocurrency, coin.  You should also include links to our social media pages for readers to follow us.  Here are the social media links to include:



bounty news Lidyacoin - New Trade Era With Zero Commision

 Lidyacoin - New Trade Era With Zero Commision


Please join Lidyacoin Telegram group first.

In Lidyacoin bounty program, 2% of LDC tokens sold are reserved to reward bounty participants. Keep in mind that these LDC tokens will be fully distributed between the bounty campaign supporters.

Lidyacoin Twitter Campaign - 35% of the total bounty budget.
Lidyacoin Signature Campaign - 25% of the total bounty budget.
Lidyacoin Blog and Media Campaign - 20% of the total bounty budget.
Lidyacoin Translation Campaign - 13% of the total bounty budget.
Lidyacoin Telegram Campaign - 5% of the total bounty budget.
Lidyacoin Newsletter Campaign - 2% of the total bounty budget.

In Lidyacoin signature campaign, you need to place our signature code into your profile and wear Lidyacoin avatar to earn LDC tokens. At the end of the campaign, you'll be rewarded with LDC tokens

Weekly posts will be counted until Friday 23:59 forum time.
Participants are expected to make minimum 75 characters long posts, to be eligible for weekly stakes.
Participants are expected to make minimum 10 constructive posts per week to be eligible for weekly stakes.
Valid sections: Altcoin Discussion, Speculation (Altcoins), Bitcoin Discussion, Economics, Speculation, Trading Discussion. Off-topic posts are not counted.
Local board posts are valid, but make your posts in global parts of the forum if possible, preferably.
Participants should be actively using bitcointalk forum.
Wear the avatar, and the signature which is suitable for your rank. Also place the personal text.
Participants with red trust cannot join the signature campaign.
Participans shouldn’t leave the campaign before it ends. You're not allowed to change your signature during the campaign.
If you rank up, you should write this under the global bounty thread. Don't send PM to anyone for this.

Members : 1 stake per week
Full members : 1.5 stakes per week (+0.5 bonus with avatar)
Senior members : 2 stakes per week (+0.5 bonus with avatar)
Hero : 2.5 stakes per week (+0.5 bonus with avatar)
Legendary : 3 stakes per week (+0.5 bonus with avatar)

Avatar can be found below:

Personal Text: Lidyacoin - New Trade Era With Zero Commision

Click Here to Join Lidyacoin Signature Bounty

Click Here to See Lidyacoin Bounty List

In Lidyacoin twitter campaign, you will follow Lidyacoin official Twitter account and make tweets/retweets to earn LDC tokens.

Minimum 1,000 followers to join the campaign.
Weekly posts will be counted until Friday 23:59 forum time.
Your account must be active and original, bot accounts will be removed from the campaign.
You must follow official Lidyacoin Twitter account:
Maximum 5 tweets/retweets per week can be reported with a forum post.
Participants have to report their Twitter activity under the global bounty thread. Include the date on the top of your forum post (use the correct dates that are located on Twitter bounty spreadsheet) and sepearetely show your retweet/like and custom tweets.
If there is less than 5 tweets made by the official account in any week, you can make custom tweets on your own to reach 5 weekly submission in that week.
If there is more than 5 tweets made by the official account in any week, you still have to retweet all the official tweets, exceeding 5 items.
Unique tweets that you will make must include #lidyacoin hashtag.
You must retweet and like all the official Lidyacoin tweets that are published after your bounty participation date.
An audit will be applied on your account to check if it has real followers.

1,000 - 5,000 Followes, 1 stake per valid tweet/retweet (either retweets or unique tweets)
5,000+ Followes, 2 stakes per valid tweet/retweet (either retweets or unique tweets)

In the blog and media campaign, we're looking for quality publications such as blog (or web site) articles and youtube videos. ICO rating and listing platforms are also welcomed in this campaign. 

ICO listing platforms and websites are welcomed in this bounty campaign as well.
Here, 3 publications allowed per participant at most. No more than 3 publications per participant.
An article must be 500 word long at least, Youtube videos must be 60 second long at least.
The publications must be unique, copy-paste and google translate type of publications will be removed from the campaign.
We prefer English publications, but the other languages are also valid.
Articles must have 1 link to our web site(, 1 link to our white paper (Will be provided within 2 days), 1 link to our bitcointalk bounty thread ( and your ETH address at the end.
For the Youtube videos, don't forget to place 3 links we mentioned above in the descriptoin part of the video. Also add your ETH address at the end.
All cheating attempts will result in the disqualification.
Please don't spam bounty campaign with the same submissions, if you do so, you will be banned.
BEAR IN MIND THAT this is not a campaign for copy-paste contents. Creating your unique content is a must to be eligible!

You will receive stakes depending on the submission's quality at the end of the campaign.

You will earn LDC tokens if you're a professional translators. You will be translating our whitepaper ANN thread and bounty into different languages. Management of the local threads and the community is needed.

People starting translations without getting official confirmation, will not get paid! Be advised.
Make a post under the global thread including your previous translation experience in detailed.
After you receive our approval, you have 3 days to complete ANN/Bounty threads and 7 days to complete our whitepaper.
You have to get our approval message before start working. If you start without our approval, nobody is responsible for your payment.
Dead threads are not desired! The translator should be keen on updating his local thread with our updates and announcements regularly.
We will check the local threads whether they are updated by the translator. You're not allowed to leave your thread alone.
Translators, in this case moderators, should answer the questions of their community under the local threads.
The translations will be checked. Any kind of translation software/bot is forbidden, including Google Translate and others. Your work must be authentic.
Translators who are wearing our signature and avatar will be given 15% bonus stake at the end.

White Paper Translation: 1000 Stakes
ANN Thread Translation: 150 Stakes
Bounty Thread Translation: 150 Stakes
Local thread moderation: 300 Stakes
Local thread moderation stakes will be given at the end of the campaign, by evaluating your local moderation activity. To be eligible for the moderation bounty, the translator should follow our official announcements and updated via official channels. The local thread should stay active during the campaign.

Translators will be selected by us, so apply with a forum post under the global bounty thread. You will be sent a PM if you are eligible. 

In the telegram campaign, you will be rewarded with LDC tokens for your registration in Lidyacoin telegram group. If you add " - New Trade Era" to your Telegram name, you will receive even greater rewards. 

You must join Lidyacoin telegram group here
You must stay there as an active member, at least until the end of the campaign.
Ask questions and learn the project better in telegram. Be active please.
Don't make duplicate submission please.
At the end of the campaign, our telegram list will be checked one by one and stakes will be given accordingly.

1 stake, if you only join Lidyacoin telegram group.
10 stakes, if you add " - New Trade Era" to your Telegram name.

In the newsletter campaign, subscribe to our newsletter list via Lidyacoin websiteand earn LDC tokens!

First, you must subscribe our Newsletter, on the bottom side of the website:
Don't worry, your e-mail address will not be publicly visible on the spreadsheet. Your e-mail address will be only seen by us.
You should stay there and you will receive announcements about the project only.
Real person accounts can join this campaign, multi accounts won't be allowed.
Cheating attemps will result in removal from the campaign.
At the end of the campaign, the list will be checked one by one.

1 stake per person, will be given at the end of the campaign

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